Sunday, May 27, 2012

Fighting Corruption in Nigeria (1)

  Nigeria is so much emerged in corruption that there is an urgent need for measures to rid the most populous country in Africa of this cancer.

Corruption is deep rooted and very vibrant in Nigerian society. Nigeria is burdened with political and systemic corruption. It is a popular slogan in Nigeria that “nothing goes for nothing” and they are living out this phrase over there. Even a child expects some kind of compensation for helping you open a door.

 Corruption is the abuse of public office, power or resources for undue advantage.  This applies to the person who abuses his position (the initiator) and the person who is taking the undue advantage (the receiver). It could take place between officials or private individuals vice versa. Corruption has to do with bibery or kick back, extortion  embezzlement, nepotism (favoring family members for jobs and contracts).

Corruption in Nigeria is practiced in the guise of  humanitarian and ethno-religious sentiments. Recently, the governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria, Mallam Lamido Sanusi ‘donated’ the sum of  ₦100 million to the victims of Boko Haram’s bombing in Kano. Other cities have had the same sect attacks in Plateau, Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states without Sanusi showing the same gesture to them. But he made the  ‘donation’ to kano because he is from there .

The Director of the Pensions Department in the Office of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation (OHCSF), Dr. Sani Teidi Shuaibu, is facing trail for allegly diverting pension allocations to acquire a hotel in Abuja for ₦359.25 million. Many of these pensioneers died while queuing up for their allowances that were not forth coming. Others died of malnutrition and hunger.

This epidemic called corruption has led Nigeria to a deep stagnation and backwardness. Nigeria has remained under developed because the country’s resources made from oil is being chanelled into private accounts in the west, instead of being used for the projects they were meant for. The effect of the looting of Nigerian treasury has resulted  to increased level of insecurity in the nature of armed robberies, kidnappings etc.

Inappropriate use of public funds has also led to total collapse of state and national social amenities like roads, electricity power supply etc. It is no secret that the Nigerian roads are death traps because of potholes and gullies. In other words the roads and other facitlities are in very bad conditons. Nigerians don’t have reliable electricity supply and drinking water. Many house holds depend on boreholes for water, In effect exposing the citizenry to water-borne diseases like cholera for example.  

Educational system is not left untouched by corruption. The standard of education has fallen drastically that Nigeria's bright brains are being  forced to leave the country in search of greener pastures abroad.

Effects of corruption cannot be over-emphasised. Corruption enriches a few and leaves millions in abject poverty. It has weakened Nigerian economic power and social fabric.

Federal and state governments do not have adequate amount of money available to pay workers and refurbish their various institutions with supplies like buying of books, medicine, buses computers etc. Teachers and other civil servants don’t get paid adequately and  as at when due.  

Development has become staunted if not difficult because office holders divert public funds to private use.

Corruption in addition has weakened nigerian young democracy and rule of law. Nigerian Electoral Commission has been unable to conduct free and fair eclections since the inception of electoral process in the country. Months after the last election some politicians are still disputing each other’s supposed victory  in the court of law because of election fraud.
In the same vein the rule of law has taken a back seat. People don’t trust the law enforcement agencies anymore in Nigeria. Those that have money or connection can bend the law in their favour. As a result the generality of Nigerians don’t trust their government.    

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